Saturday, August 30, 2008
Friday, August 29, 2008
FROM red52==iN LinKs>
If GOD knew that certain people would go to hell, why did HE create them?
The flip side of this question would be why didn’t GOD just create people who will go to heaven. Well, in a way HE did. But HE gave these people (who were all going to heaven) a free will. So why shouldn’t HE create those people and let them choose for themselves? Would it be a good GOD that pre-punishes people by not allowing them to be, because HE knows they would choose not to obey HIM? It would kind of be like the movie The Minority Report. Though GOD knows the end from the beginning, for our sakes and to demonstrate HIS fairness, HE allows our free will to play out.
(Michelle Young)
The flip side of this question would be why didn’t GOD just create people who will go to heaven. Well, in a way HE did. But HE gave these people (who were all going to heaven) a free will. So why shouldn’t HE create those people and let them choose for themselves? Would it be a good GOD that pre-punishes people by not allowing them to be, because HE knows they would choose not to obey HIM? It would kind of be like the movie The Minority Report. Though GOD knows the end from the beginning, for our sakes and to demonstrate HIS fairness, HE allows our free will to play out.
(Michelle Young)
Thursday, August 28, 2008
Wednesday, August 27, 2008
ThiS worLd (GOD's CREATION) iS InfiniTe.
We do haVe ChoiceS/inDiviDuaL ResponsibiLiTy tO dO whaT wE knoW iS virTuouS.
IF.... iF oNe doubTs wheTheR a cerTaiN aCtioN iS coRRecT oR NoT, Err oN thE siDe oF cautioN...
In otheR worDs:
PaRaNoia iS GOD's waY oF WarNiNg uS tO NoT dO sOMethinG oR oTheR.....
GeT iT?
GoT iT!
YoU goTTa do
WhaT yoU goTTa do
KiDs --uNDeR aGe (whaT's thaT?)
-LisTeN/ Do whaTeVeR youR PaRenTs/GuarDiaNs saY To Do.....
TheY knoW wheRe yoU caMe frOM
aNd theY waNT yoU tO gO tO a BeTTeR PLaCe.....
We do haVe ChoiceS/inDiviDuaL ResponsibiLiTy tO dO whaT wE knoW iS virTuouS.
IF.... iF oNe doubTs wheTheR a cerTaiN aCtioN iS coRRecT oR NoT, Err oN thE siDe oF cautioN...
In otheR worDs:
PaRaNoia iS GOD's waY oF WarNiNg uS tO NoT dO sOMethinG oR oTheR.....
GeT iT?
GoT iT!
YoU goTTa do
WhaT yoU goTTa do
KiDs --uNDeR aGe (whaT's thaT?)
-LisTeN/ Do whaTeVeR youR PaRenTs/GuarDiaNs saY To Do.....
TheY knoW wheRe yoU caMe frOM
aNd theY waNT yoU tO gO tO a BeTTeR PLaCe.....
GoD iS GooD!!!!!
Tuesday, August 26, 2008
Sunday, August 24, 2008
Monday, August 18, 2008
GOD iS GooD!!!!!
Monday, August 11, 2008
Tuesday, August 5, 2008
Monday, August 4, 2008
MondaY AfternOOn
TheRe aRe 2 ImportanT reaLiTieS=======
GOD's &&& thE dEviL'S
BotH aRe InfiniTe
GOD's iS EterNaL
thE DeviL's iS TemporaL=
=untiL " JuDgeMeNT DAY "
WheN/theN JeSuS ChrisT wiLL PreVaiL...}}}
HeaVeN &/oR/&oR/Or/& heLL
The BiBLe===
HoLy insPireD WORD oF GOD
All MaNKinD's WritingS===
MeN doinG WhaT cOMes easiLy/expedieNcY
"WhaT iS riGHt iN ouR oWn EyEs"
GOD's &&& thE dEviL'S
BotH aRe InfiniTe
GOD's iS EterNaL
thE DeviL's iS TemporaL=
=untiL " JuDgeMeNT DAY "
WheN/theN JeSuS ChrisT wiLL PreVaiL...}}}
HeaVeN &/oR/&oR/Or/& heLL
The BiBLe===
HoLy insPireD WORD oF GOD
All MaNKinD's WritingS===
MeN doinG WhaT cOMes easiLy/expedieNcY
"WhaT iS riGHt iN ouR oWn EyEs"
Sunday, August 3, 2008
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