Wednesday, December 30, 2009
FounD oN randOM arTs Blogger
"I try in my work to embody my own sense of what it is to be alive, to encapsulate the difficulties in being human, experiencing all the itinerant shadings of joy, sadness, rage and despair, the things I am sometimes afraid to look straight in the face. Most of my paintings ask difficult questions both of me and of the viewer. These questions comprise a larger aesthetic that infuses my interest in spiritualism, pathos and the strangely complicated and enigmatic discourse between human beings."
Friday, November 13, 2009
EarLy MorninG WorshiP SerViCe!

i WoKe uP @ 3 a.M.
aNd inSteaD oF PLaYiNg wiTh mYseLf,
i MaDe ThiS:
iN PS + ( i loVe mY MAC :)
BecauSe mY BoDy iS tiReD, oLd, aNd useD uP;
mY MiNd iS aLiVe aNd WeLL,,,,,,
i'Ve thouGhT iT aLL Through:
pRos & coNs; ReaSoN vS. eMoTioN...
aNd mY HearT & SouL SaYs :
WhaT iS thE QuesTioN???
HoW tO KeeP caLm wheN thE WorLD iS CRaZY......
[ iNsaNiTy = SaNiTy ] [[wroNg = RighT ]]
Sunday, November 1, 2009
Wednesday, October 28, 2009
Sunday, October 25, 2009
Thursday, October 22, 2009
Friday, August 21, 2009
Here are the lyrics I like best from the beloved Jewish musical, "Fiddler on the Roof" --
Here's to our prosperity, our good health and happiness, and most important ...
To life, l'chaim,
L'chaim, l'chaim, to life,
Life has a way of confusing us,
Blessing and bruising us,
Drink l'chaim, to life!
God would like us to be joyful,
even when our hearts lie
panting on the floor.
How much more can we be joyful,
when there's really something to be joyful for?
We'll raise a glass and sip a drop of schnapps
in honor of the great good luck that favors you,
We know that when good fortune favors two such men,
it stands to reason, we deserve it too!
To us and our good fortune!
Be happy, be healthy, long life!
And if our good fortune never comes,
Here's to whatever comes,
Drink l'chaim, to life!
Here's to our prosperity, our good health and happiness, and most important ...
To life, l'chaim,
L'chaim, l'chaim, to life,
Life has a way of confusing us,
Blessing and bruising us,
Drink l'chaim, to life!
God would like us to be joyful,
even when our hearts lie
panting on the floor.
How much more can we be joyful,
when there's really something to be joyful for?
We'll raise a glass and sip a drop of schnapps
in honor of the great good luck that favors you,
We know that when good fortune favors two such men,
it stands to reason, we deserve it too!
To us and our good fortune!
Be happy, be healthy, long life!
And if our good fortune never comes,
Here's to whatever comes,
Drink l'chaim, to life!
Saturday, August 8, 2009
Friday, August 7, 2009
i goT a New Penny toDaY
Wednesday, August 5, 2009
MagicaL CaMeRAs
Tuesday, August 4, 2009
LiberTy StaTioN, PoiNT LoMa
taKeN w/mY neW NiKoN D-700 FX
mE thiNKs iT's faSt aNd BrighT....

~5pM @ StarbucKs====<--- 4 mY FiX... 1 ea
Latte, Nonfat Milk, Venti
**aDD shOT
(20 oz) (600 gm) =
FaT= 1gm
caRb= 29g
ProteiN= 20g
FoR LiFe, LiBeRTy, aNd thE PursuiT oF HaPPiNeSS===
¡ ThaNk YOU, ∞_JESUS †
mE thiNKs iT's faSt aNd BrighT....

~5pM @ StarbucKs====<--- 4 mY FiX... 1 ea
Latte, Nonfat Milk, Venti
**aDD shOT
(20 oz) (600 gm) =
FaT= 1gm
caRb= 29g
ProteiN= 20g
FoR LiFe, LiBeRTy, aNd thE PursuiT oF HaPPiNeSS===
¡ ThaNk YOU, ∞_JESUS †
Saturday, June 20, 2009
Thursday, June 18, 2009
Thursday, April 2, 2009
Saturday, January 24, 2009
Monday, January 12, 2009
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