Thursday, September 30, 2010
CoNTroL = GOD iS.....iN ¡† ∞
aNd ''''NeeNe'''' wroTe\commented: 'intheeyeofthebeholder'==
sO theN this morning oN FB thiS waS iN mY `News Feed`¬¬¬
The Eyes of My Beholder
In the eyes of my beholder
I am beautifully and wonderfully made.
In the eyes of my beholder
I have a love that time can’t break.
He has planned each of my days.
Then walks beside me
to guide me in His ways.
I don’t fear abandonment.
Not even in great discouragement.
Nor, times when I have turned from Him.
Sometimes I try to trudge my own path,
but He waits constantly calling me back.
Back to His side where times still can get rough.
But I live in a peace,
and an unwavering trust.
He has seen every blemish,
every mistake, every fault.
He was right beside me
when I was hoping no one was watching at all.
I feel an ache in my heart
that I know is from Him.
Saying, daughter don’t keep coveting this sin.
I drop to my knees
in tears and shame.
He reaches out to me,
and I can clearly see
the scars on His hands.
That reminds me of His great plan.
He lifts me to my feet again,
but I drop back down in front of Him.
This time not in grief or shame,
but in worship to His great name.
In the eyes of my beholder
what He sees in me no single word would suffice.
But He clearly showed me that
I was worth the greatest sacrifice.
By Sarah Misch -
foR whaT iT's worTh --i liKes iT ^ ^ ^ ^ ^ ^
PeaCe ouT~ ~ ~
ReaLiTy ! † ∞
MiNd aLteRiNg DruGs.
BibLe - HOLY = OLd + NeW TesTaMenTs
TruTh / LieS
HeaLth / DiseaSe
YouTh / MaturiTy {aduLtneSS} aGe
ProlonGeD / delaYeD saTisfactioN. Viagra
Self ControL
MiNd aLteRiNg DruGs.
BibLe - HOLY = OLd + NeW TesTaMenTs
TruTh / LieS
HeaLth / DiseaSe
YouTh / MaturiTy {aduLtneSS} aGe
ProlonGeD / delaYeD saTisfactioN. Viagra
Self ControL
Monday, September 27, 2010
Tuesday, September 21, 2010
The paIN -iT says yOU aRe aLiVe
When woMaN scReaMs duRiNg ChiLdBirTh theN thE Baby wiLl knoW what it iS iN foR iN thiS woNderFuL worLd/exisTence
tO imagine what HoW GOD IS ---
I try to imagiNe aLL peopLe eQuaL iN HIS SighT...
EveN thougH theRe seeMs haT theRe aRe sO iNEquiTieS
ThE tricK= KeY to beinG happY iS to NOTwanT aNy MateriaL PhysicaL thinG
jusT bE contenT wiTh basiC Nutrition aNd sLeeP aNd heaLTh..
GOD sayS thaT HE wiLl suppLY aLL ouR nEEds....
tO imagine what HoW GOD IS ---
I try to imagiNe aLL peopLe eQuaL iN HIS SighT...
EveN thougH theRe seeMs haT theRe aRe sO iNEquiTieS
ThE tricK= KeY to beinG happY iS to NOTwanT aNy MateriaL PhysicaL thinG
jusT bE contenT wiTh basiC Nutrition aNd sLeeP aNd heaLTh..
GOD sayS thaT HE wiLl suppLY aLL ouR nEEds....
Sunday, September 19, 2010
Chicken'S RoasTinG /uHh-->RoostinG!
No oNe tHinKs thE worLd / eXisteNcE ``iS SiMpLe ..
[[[a 'simPLetoN' mighT / wouLd = = = thaT i aM]]]
IF aNyoNe beLieVes thaT abouT thE ChicKenS RoosTinG aFTeR ? beFoRe / durinG 9/11
TheN foR thaT PersoN oR persoNs theN iT iS TRuth..
TheY aRe entitLed tO theiR oPiNioN==iT iS a 'Free CounTry'
a TrageDy = YeP!
SaVe mE†
[[[a 'simPLetoN' mighT / wouLd = = = thaT i aM]]]
IF aNyoNe beLieVes thaT abouT thE ChicKenS RoosTinG aFTeR ? beFoRe / durinG 9/11
TheN foR thaT PersoN oR persoNs theN iT iS TRuth..
TheY aRe entitLed tO theiR oPiNioN==iT iS a 'Free CounTry'
a TrageDy = YeP!
SaVe mE†
Friday, September 17, 2010
Sunday, September 12, 2010
Wednesday, September 8, 2010
DeeP {darK} ThiNKiNG
xoNxxxxxCe uPxxxoxxxxxN bxxxxxxaCk ixxxxN DaxxYs oxxxxF oxxLdxxx tiMxxe
xyexxxaRxs axxGo whxxexxN i sxxxxtaxxxrtexxxD wrxxiTinxxxG thxougxxhTxs, xx
ix vxxowxxeDxx noxxxT xtxxo xxDoxcumxxexxxnTx NxxexgxxxatxxxxiVxe xthxoxxugxxhxTxxxsx...
xxBeixnG MaxnixCxx DxxxepxressixVxxxe,
ix xjuxsxxTx dxonx'T xwrxxixTxxxxxxe xx1x/xxx@x oxF xxwhxaTxx i txHuxNK xxx(xsic)xx
xxx•••sOx leTxxx mxxxE xtxrY xtxO xpxuTxx ax PxxxosxitixVxe sxpixxN txox thxxiS:x
x1xsxTx ixT ixxxS GxxxOxD'xxxs MxasTxexRx PxLxxxxaNxx thxxxaxxT ax MxaxxNx axNxd xax xWxoxxMxxaxNxxx sxhouxLxxd xPrxocxrxeaTexx axNd xxsxpixriTxuaxLLxy MexnxtoxRxx thxxxexiRx
xoxoxoxoxxH sOxooxxoxo mxxucxHx txO sxaxYx = hxEyxx =
WxhaxT'S xxwxroxxNxxxg xWxiTxhx thxEx wxorxxLdx (xUxxSxxxAx) xtoDaY???????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????
xFoxR wxhaxTeVexR RexaSxoxN -x-ixN xHIxS xIxNFxxINxxxITxE xPOxxWxExRx &xxx GxLOxRxxY ==
xGxxOxD haxS xaxLLxoxxwxexDxxx MxaxxxNxy GxxrexxxaTx CixxxvilixZxxaxTioNxxs txO xRixSxe uxP xaxNxxdx FxxxaxLLxx xdxoWxxxNxxxx:::::
GOD∞ iS GOD iN CoNtroL
xyexxxaRxs axxGo whxxexxN i sxxxxtaxxxrtexxxD wrxxiTinxxxG thxougxxhTxs, xx
ix vxxowxxeDxx noxxxT xtxxo xxDoxcumxxexxxnTx NxxexgxxxatxxxxiVxe xthxoxxugxxhxTxxxsx...
xxBeixnG MaxnixCxx DxxxepxressixVxxxe,
ix xjuxsxxTx dxonx'T xwrxxixTxxxxxxe xx1x/xxx@x oxF xxwhxaTxx i txHuxNK xxx(xsic)xx
xxx•••sOx leTxxx mxxxE xtxrY xtxO xpxuTxx ax PxxxosxitixVxe sxpixxN txox thxxiS:x
x1xsxTx ixT ixxxS GxxxOxD'xxxs MxasTxexRx PxLxxxxaNxx thxxxaxxT ax MxaxxNx axNxd xax xWxoxxMxxaxNxxx sxhouxLxxd xPrxocxrxeaTexx axNd xxsxpixriTxuaxLLxy MexnxtoxRxx thxxxexiRx
xoxoxoxoxxH sOxooxxoxo mxxucxHx txO sxaxYx = hxEyxx =
WxhaxT'S xxwxroxxNxxxg xWxiTxhx thxEx wxorxxLdx (xUxxSxxxAx) xtoDaY???????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????
xFoxR wxhaxTeVexR RexaSxoxN -x-ixN xHIxS xIxNFxxINxxxITxE xPOxxWxExRx &xxx GxLOxRxxY ==
xGxxOxD haxS xaxLLxoxxwxexDxxx MxaxxxNxy GxxrexxxaTx CixxxvilixZxxaxTioNxxs txO xRixSxe uxP xaxNxxdx FxxxaxLLxx xdxoWxxxNxxxx:::::
GOD∞ iS GOD iN CoNtroL
Thursday, September 2, 2010
RoberT GeNN SaYs:
Linguists and anthropologists are now giving new credence to the idea that the human eye is most often a prisoner of language. Further, colours are perceived through the lens of our mother tongue. Just as the Inuit have dozens of words for "snow," green and blue are distinct colors in English but are considered shades of the same color in some other languages. Further, in English, for example, we narrow down broad terms like "green" to even more specific nuances--emerald, jade, Kelly, lime, mint, myrtle, olive, teal, Hooker's, viridian, British racing, etc. According to linguistic experts, when we refine our visual sensitivity to color differences in reality, our brains are trained to exaggerate the distance between shades of color if these happen to have different names in our particular language. It follows that art appreciation may depend on unique linguistic forms.
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