Sunday, October 24, 2010
Wednesday, October 13, 2010
Sunday, October 10, 2010
Saturday, October 9, 2010
Tuesday, October 5, 2010
Friday, October 1, 2010
∞ √0M e thouGhTs upoN\oN aWakeninG √ ∞ † † †
[[[randOM piC froM archiVe¬¬¬( iN thE jungLe lasT sprinG )¬¬¬]]]

aLwaYs TheRe iS EviL jusT oNe CLicK aWaY=
√ i LoVe mY MAC √
theRe iS AlwaYs eViL jusT oNe cLicK aWaY +
EviL iS One CliCK aWaY =
eVerY oTheR iNstanT tHe choiCe haS tO bE /musT bE maDe:
tO chooSe LiFe
SaFeTy oR FreeDoM
oNE RoaD tO PeaCe througH HIS LOVE
a faLsE FreeDoM throuGh iNfiniTe\eNdLeSS pursuiNg thE unaTtainaBLe,,,
KnoW GOD = knOW PeaCe;
No GOD = nO peaCe
peacE ouT

aLwaYs TheRe iS EviL jusT oNe CLicK aWaY=
√ i LoVe mY MAC √
theRe iS AlwaYs eViL jusT oNe cLicK aWaY +
EviL iS One CliCK aWaY =
eVerY oTheR iNstanT tHe choiCe haS tO bE /musT bE maDe:
tO chooSe LiFe
SaFeTy oR FreeDoM
oNE RoaD tO PeaCe througH HIS LOVE
a faLsE FreeDoM throuGh iNfiniTe\eNdLeSS pursuiNg thE unaTtainaBLe,,,
KnoW GOD = knOW PeaCe;
No GOD = nO peaCe
peacE ouT
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