Friday, July 15, 2011

iiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiii aMmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmm Sooooooooooooooooooooooooooooo BLeSSeD † † † † † † †

PSALMS 100:5
For the LORD [is] good; his mercy [is] everlasting ... -

Psalms 100:5

For the LORD [is] good; his mercy [is] everlasting; and his truth [ endureth] to all generations. ..
... from the King James Bible Online
(KJV ...

Saturday, July 9, 2011

WheN a PersoN speaKs badLy abouT a 'BoSS' oR figuRe oF AuthoRiTY, theY aRe speaking abouT GOD===BecausE HE iS iN ControL

Friday, July 1, 2011

REALITy / iLLuSioN \ SaLvaTioN / HeLL--whaT iS i† ? ? ?

TheRe aRe thiNGs thaT iF i ThinK abouT =
iF i ThinK aBouT CertaiN ThiNgS,,,,
i dO wanT to noT continue oN iN thiS LiFe...
i thinK thiS iS knowN aS dePressioN...
WheN i haVe theSe thoughTs i turN theM oVeR tO GOD = JESUS_CHRIST †

aLmosT aLL externaL infLuences iN toDaY's secuLaR WorLd saYs thaT TheRe 'mighT noT eVeN bE thiS thinG caLLeD GOD'
{{{ Or / + thE ResurrecTioN oF JESUS iS MytholoGiCaL }}}

&&&&&&& buT &&&&&&&&&

aLL i ""REALLY'' knOW 'foR SuRe' iS thaT mY veRy SaniTy iS baSeD oN whaT 'The WorLD'=thoSe in PoweR oVer my boDy aNd maTeriaL (everything ouTsiDe oF mY MinD}==
My VerY MentaL HeaLth iS baSeD oN whaT thE WorLd saYs iS aN iLLusioN...........
HoW abouT ThiS: LiFe iS the iLLusioN
aNd DeaTh iS THE REALITY===oR ratheR the existenCe AFTER LiFe iS The TRUE REALiTY...
PeopLe Who belieVe ThaT The tiMe heRe oN EarTh withouT GOD / aS iN ->-JESUS † \ iS RealiTy
wiLL enteR ETERNITY unprepareD oR ratheR PrepareD foR sOMethiNG LESS thaN SeeinG THE FACE oF CHRIST........

i LoNG tO See mY SAVIOR †

2 fOr FriDaY be4 ThE FourTh==HappY B-daY U.S.A.