Tuesday, August 23, 2011

The concept is: a continually diminishing sense of self-sufficiency that is replaced by an increasing awe at the all-sufficiency of God.

"Whatever the LORD pleases, he does, in heaven and on earth, in the seas and all deeps." (Psalm 135:6 ESV)

Sunday, August 7, 2011

sOMethiNg's wroNg

BasicaLLy wiTh goinG tO beD/sLeeP aFteR MidnighT==iT's the NexT daY aLreaDy, heY
buT drinKinG coFFee aLL daY i'M reaLLy jusT startinG tO waKe uP
ThaT saiD--GooD NighT/MorninG=WhaTeVeR,,,,,,,
NepheW DoN saiD hE liKed thiS PiC¬
