Sunday, February 17, 2008


I keep thinKinG thaT depreSSioN coMes froM siN==Being ouT oF steP with GoD..
I can'T belieVe thaT iF a PersoN iS "iN thE wiLL oF GoD" thaT thaT person wouLd bE depresseD..
ThaT iS a contradictioN..
GoD wanTs uS tO bE haPPy.
IF wE aRe noT HappY theN iT iS uS==== iT iS NoT GoD's fauLt..

The ProbleM lies iN admitting  oR eVen finding ouT whaT wE aRe wantinG thaT iS NoT iN tuNe with God'S PlaN foR ouR LiVes....

PraYeR caN aNd doeS brinG uS cLoSer to thE wiLL oF GoD  BecausE iF wE aRe iN constanT communicatioN with HIM theN wE can'T be oN thE wronG paTh. oR goinG theY saY..

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