Sunday, March 30, 2008

ThE ouTsiDe GaLLerY--

oLd AcrYLic oN PlyWooD BoX siDe
ReLeGaTeD tO tHe BacKyaRd.....
GoD iS aLL GooD

SuNdaY FuNdaY!

WhaTeVeRthaT MeaNs????
I haVe nO complainTs.
AnD mY PraiSe iS UnliMiTeD.
No PaiN.
No GaiN?
I' gueSS I'M noT goinG aNy wheRe righT noW..
I LoVe JeSuS ChrisT thE SoN oF GoD
ThE GoD oF aLL CreaTioN..
I trY tO LoVe mY feLLoW MaN/WoMeN ..
iT's jusT thaT I caN'T staNd HaTreD aNd sO MaNy peopLe haVe sO MaNy biTTeR ''issueS''
IT seeMs LiKe eVeRYoNe 'disliKes' something oR soMeoNe....
I adMiT I don'T liKe SmokerS oR thE blacK-eboniC raPPinG styLe oF Music==buT oNLy because oF thE vioLence thaT IT EvokeS ...aNd thE unhaPPy souL iT represenTs....

Thursday, March 27, 2008

LaTe NighT

GoT sOMe NeW FoNTs


WhY iS iT thaT SoMe PeopLy don'T/won'T(wiLL NoT)
"aCCepT JeSuS aS theiR LoRd aNd SaVioR
person who saves someone or something (esp. a country or cause) fromdanger, and who is regarded with the veneration of a religious figure.• ( the/our Savior) (in Christianity) God or Jesus Christ as theredeemer of sin and saver of souls
IS iT a ProbLeM oF EGO????PRiDe????I jusT don'T GeT iT!!!!IT seeMs Soooooooo EaSy...WhaT iS theRe tO LoSe?GoD PromiSeS LiFe foreVeR---aNd a BeTTeR oNe==reaD PerfecT---No moRe PaiNNo moRe darkNeSS..NO MORE HaTreD...In FacT I guaranTee thaT soMeoNe(MaNy probabLy) readinG thiS "HaTeS'' mE becauSe I BelieVe iN JeSuS+++&&&I gueSS thaT theY aRe aLreaDy iN a SeLf-MaDe HeLL..BecausE HaTe iS such a SaD  eMotioN...YeS I haVe BeeN BLessed tO bE iN thE uPPeR 10% oF thE worLds weaLth--MateriaL BlessinGs..BUT  theRe aRe 9% oVeR Me thaT maKe mE seeM aS pooR aS aNy PersoN oN WeLfaRe heRe iN the USA...
I aM sOOOOOOO BLeSSeD..ANd I aM ThanKfuL foR ThaT!!!

The BiggesT BleSSinG iS HeaLth::::I don'T see 20/20 iN eitheR eYe noW (aT 60 Years oF aGe)BuT I do see withouT glaSSeS with a reasonaBLe amounT oF claRitY.....actuaLLy I aM thanKfuL foR aS mucH aS I caN sEE aNd I PraY iT doesn'T geT worSe...---I'M taKinG soMe "SnaKe oiL" to waRd oFF aNy furtheR degradaTioN--^^^"AREDS & LeutiNe" piLLs ^^^...
HeY bacK tO JesuS..
My GoaL/ LiFe purpoSe is tO LOVE Jesus CHRIST-==The SON oF GOD===+GoD HIMSELF
moRe thaN I LoVe myseLf ..I waNt to do HIS  WILL..WhaT iS thaT?????
I DoN'T KnoW...
BuT I knoW whaT iT iS NOT....
IT iS noT HaTe.IT iS NoT EnVy..//CovetousNess  IT iS noT LaZyNeSS--oops--goTTa work oN thiS oNe!!!hahahaha..IT iS  noT LieinG====thaT iS====TeLLinG thE TrutH--oR keepinG quieT wheN thE trutH mighT hurT........BecausE GOD wiLL taKe caRe oF LeTTinG THE  TRUTH BEinG KNOWN,,,,,,,,,,

Monday, March 24, 2008


IT iS a New DaY.
As iS EverYoNeThanK YOU JESUS foR saViNg My SouL...  AfteR a YeaR (oR MoRe) oF oNE DIRECTIONnnnn
I'M ChanGinG..I'M ChanGinG
00=MemorY=JenniFeR HoLidaY & "DreaM GirLs"--
ThaNk YOU--JESUS....4 thaT^
StiLL goinG iN tO WorK ToDaY..SoMetiMe aNyWaY...
It'S 10~am..=25 aFtEr...
I'M SiTTinG aT The DesK typinG--
FirsT tiMe iN
45 Years==
Hahah ha ha Ha
YeaH thE LasT tiMe I eveN HaD a TypewriTTer oN thiS DesK was WheN I WaS iN JunioR High SchooL..WoWwww
The DesK StiLL isn'T cLeaReLy ClEaN BuT SinCe I'Ve "ChangeD DirectioN"-hahaahah
I thouGhT I MighT GeT uP--oFF mY BacK aNd TrY ThiS....hahaheehohaiowW

Sunday, March 23, 2008

ThaNk yoU LoRD FoR mY MaC & PS3


FeLiz PasCua

I caN'T heLp myseLf..
i musT haVe to leaN oN JeSuS..It'S6:30 AM
HE iS My StrengTh froM daY tO DaY  aNd mY SaLvaTioN=foR aLL eTeRniTy..
NoT goinG tO SuNriSe serViCe!I dO NoT LiVe iN a ReaLiTy defiNeD bY NaturaL laW.I waNT tO maKe cLeaR thaT I haVe no ControL oVer thiS speciaL reaLitY.
GOD iS iN CoNtroL..
=GOD iS THE  FATHER of AbraHaM, IsaaC & JaCoB
GOD iS ALL Three oF theSe iN ONE


I don'T waNt to feeL thiS  waY,
BuT HeY, i'M NoT aLL PoweRfuL..
I aM jusT a ChiLd oF GoD..
60 YearS oLd
BuT a BaBy stiLL....
I jusT keeP wanTinG tO LoVe eVeryboDy aNd yeT I knoW thaT thaT iS possibLe..
oNLy through tHe LoVe oF GoD through thE HoLy SpiRiT.

TheRe iS No EteRnaL LoVe aParT froM JeSuS ChriSt

Saturday, March 22, 2008

i duNNo

I gueSS I waNT tOO MucH ouT/FroM LiFe-GoD..
I waNT EverYoNe to bE haPPy...
I jusT waNT tO forGeT eVerythinG aNd eVaPoRaTe..iS thaT seLfish.????
WeLL TheRe iS nO oNe whO nEEds mY LoVe oR eVeN eXisTenCe 
....I jusT waNT tO cLoSe mY eYeS aNd noT waKe uP...I knoW GoD LoVes Me..I aM sO BLeSSeD wiTh sO MaNy MateriaL ThinGs..WhY..ThiS VerY MaCintoSH is mY HeaRt's desiRe..TheRe iS NothiNg I'Ve eVer reaLLy waNteD thaT I didn'T GeT...
oF courSe I mighT buY a RoLLs RoYce IF I woN thE LoTTerY......
BuT GoD teLLs Me NoT to Be so MateriaListiC..WhY..
BecauSe HE didn'T giVe Me the Brains/inteLLecT to MaKe a MiLLioN $$$$$$
LiKe thE peops whO understaNd computer programminG...
I jusT don'T geT iT....
ThaT's whY I waNt to Die....
ReaLLy.No RieLLey
Whitey's BrotheR....I gueSS I shouLd sticK to ThE _GooD BooK_ aNd My PhotoshoP..
At LeasT thaT KeePs mE ouT oF TrouBLe...
See =oo=I don'T belieVe iN suiciDe..
ThaT iS a SiN---GoD GaVe liFe to uS aNd iT shouLd be LefT uP tO HiM whEN We Go "HoMe".....

Monday, March 17, 2008


I waNt tO bE a SiMPLe PeRsoN=
I waNT tO bE TranspaRent ,,,
I  knoW I caN Be TruthFuL.
***JusT don'T eVeR SaY aNythinG thaT iS HurtFuL..+++
ThinK beFoRe TaLkinG..
BuT I waNT iT tO go DeePeR..
^^^I PraY tO JeSuS ChrisT, My LoRd aNd SaVioR,
ThaT HiS  guiLeLeSSneSS wiLL preVaiL iN mY HeaRt, MiNd aNd 

Sunday, March 16, 2008

SunDaY MoRNiNg

aN OLdie No apoLogY No reGreTs.
LiVe ToDaY froM NoW foRwaRd..
LearN froM thE PasT buT truSt GoD/JeSuS foR ToMoRRoW..
ThE WorLd iS aS GooD oR BaD aS yoU waNT iT tO Be..
SuRe BaD thiNgs happeN BuT theN GooD thinGs wiLL haPPeN Too..
LiKe LaughinG...As HaRd oR LouD aS yoU Laugh theN thaT saMe Depth oF FeeLinG wiLL bE youR soRRoW--aBouT soMethinG...
As BeautifuL aS iS tHe SunseT==MidnighT caN/wiLL bE DarK...

GoD iS heRe tO geT uS through thE DarKneSS...
WheN the SuN iS shiNiNg ouR MinD iS aT PeaCe---GoD iS thE LighT.....
At MidnighT GOD iS thE FAITH aNd HOPE thaT thE suN wiLL riSe iN thE MorNiNg........
oH yeaH aNd aT MidnighT We haVe thE SON==aS THE HOLY SPIRIT wiTh  Us--ALwaYs=+=ALL waYs=+=
a LoT oF worDs toDaY..
WeLL _ __ _____ __ __ ____ __ ____ ____ __ __ _____ __ __!
___ ______ _ ____ _____ __ ____ ____ __ ____ ___ __ __.
i aM goiNg tO keeP iT UP..... 
LorD wiLLiNg...

Friday, March 14, 2008

Thursday, March 13, 2008


FoR saVinG mY souL....

No WoRky toDaY

OnLy PLaY pLaY PlaY......
I LoVe mY MaC..

GoT thE iNterNeT RadiO pLayinG thE "OLd MysTerY chaNNeL"--"antiocradio/ i think that's the address.
noT suRe though...
GoD iSsssssss GOODddddddd

mY heaRt iS achinG BuT mY MiNd iS cLeaR

Monday, March 10, 2008

NuMbeR 2 foR ToDaY

WeLL I didn'T "haVe to" gO iNtO tHe LaB toDaY...
SO thiS iS thE resuLT thaNks tO thE stiMuLuS froM NeeNe....

"""(1)live for love(1)
******(2)live for beauty(2)
~~~(3)live to follow your(3) heart"""
(1) i do liVe foR LoVe==(1)JeSuS iS mY DefiniTioN oF thaT(1)^^^
(2)I don'T knoW whaT BeautY(2) iS,,,,,
--(2)excepT i thinK thaT thE thingS thaT NiNa portraYs/captuRes iN heR PiCs aRe(2)^^^BeautiFuL(2)
(3)aNd mY hearT wiLL stoP BeaTinG soMe daY(3)..
(x)TheN theRe wiLL bE JeSuS(X)......

MondaY MorN

HearT liKe JeLLy upoN waKinG..
StranGe dreaM.
OuT stranDeD iN thE worLd.
AfraiD I won'T geT hoMe.......
HoMe iS wheRe thE heaRt iS..
I gueSS thaT's whY I waS losT==
My heaRt haD stoPPeD...
GoD iS gooD though IT waS 5 AM
aNd I worKed oN thiS graFFic....