I gueSS I waNT tOO MucH ouT/FroM LiFe-GoD..
I waNT EverYoNe to bE haPPy...
I jusT waNT tO forGeT eVerythinG aNd eVaPoRaTe..iS thaT seLfish.????
WeLL TheRe iS nO oNe whO nEEds mY LoVe oR eVeN eXisTenCe
....I jusT waNT tO cLoSe mY eYeS aNd noT waKe uP...I knoW GoD LoVes Me..I aM sO BLeSSeD wiTh sO MaNy MateriaL ThinGs..WhY..ThiS VerY MaCintoSH is mY HeaRt's desiRe..TheRe iS NothiNg I'Ve eVer reaLLy waNteD thaT I didn'T GeT...
oF courSe I mighT buY a RoLLs RoYce IF I woN thE LoTTerY......
BuT GoD teLLs Me NoT to Be so MateriaListiC..WhY..
BecauSe HE didn'T giVe Me the Brains/inteLLecT to MaKe a MiLLioN $$$$$$
LiKe thE peops whO understaNd computer programminG...
I jusT don'T geT iT....
ThaT's whY I waNt to Die....
ReaLLy.No RieLLey
Whitey's BrotheR....I gueSS I shouLd sticK to ThE _GooD BooK_ aNd My PhotoshoP..
At LeasT thaT KeePs mE ouT oF TrouBLe...
See =oo=I don'T belieVe iN suiciDe..
ThaT iS a SiN---GoD GaVe liFe to uS aNd iT shouLd be LefT uP tO HiM whEN We Go "HoMe".....