WhY iS iT thaT SoMe PeopLy don'T/won'T(wiLL NoT)
"aCCepT JeSuS aS theiR LoRd aNd SaVioR
person who saves someone or something (esp. a country or cause) fromdanger, and who is regarded with the veneration of a religious figure.• ( the/our Savior) (in Christianity) God or Jesus Christ as theredeemer of sin and saver of souls
IS iT a ProbLeM oF EGO????PRiDe????I jusT don'T GeT iT!!!!IT seeMs Soooooooo EaSy...WhaT iS theRe tO LoSe?GoD PromiSeS LiFe foreVeR---aNd a BeTTeR oNe==reaD PerfecT---No moRe PaiNNo moRe darkNeSS..NO MORE HaTreD...In FacT I guaranTee thaT soMeoNe(MaNy probabLy) readinG thiS "HaTeS'' mE becauSe I BelieVe iN JeSuS+++&&&I gueSS thaT theY aRe aLreaDy iN a SeLf-MaDe HeLL..BecausE HaTe iS such a SaD eMotioN...YeS I haVe BeeN BLessed tO bE iN thE uPPeR 10% oF thE worLds weaLth--MateriaL BlessinGs..BUT theRe aRe 9% oVeR Me thaT maKe mE seeM aS pooR aS aNy PersoN oN WeLfaRe heRe iN the USA...
I aM sOOOOOOO BLeSSeD..ANd I aM ThanKfuL foR ThaT!!!
The BiggesT BleSSinG iS HeaLth::::I don'T see 20/20 iN eitheR eYe noW (aT 60 Years oF aGe)BuT I do see withouT glaSSeS with a reasonaBLe amounT oF claRitY.....actuaLLy I aM thanKfuL foR aS mucH aS I caN sEE aNd I PraY iT doesn'T geT worSe...---I'M taKinG soMe "SnaKe oiL" to waRd oFF aNy furtheR degradaTioN--^^^"AREDS & LeutiNe" piLLs ^^^...
HeY bacK tO JesuS..
My GoaL/ LiFe purpoSe is tO LOVE Jesus CHRIST-==The SON oF GOD===+GoD HIMSELF
moRe thaN I LoVe myseLf ..I waNt to do HIS WILL..WhaT iS thaT?????
I DoN'T KnoW...
BuT I knoW whaT iT iS NOT....
IT iS noT HaTe.IT iS NoT EnVy..//CovetousNess IT iS noT LaZyNeSS--oops--goTTa work oN thiS oNe!!!hahahaha..IT iS noT LieinG====thaT iS====TeLLinG thE TrutH--oR keepinG quieT wheN thE trutH mighT hurT........BecausE GOD wiLL taKe caRe oF LeTTinG THE TRUTH BEinG KNOWN,,,,,,,,,,
IS iT a ProbLeM oF EGO????PRiDe????I jusT don'T GeT iT!!!!IT seeMs Soooooooo EaSy...WhaT iS theRe tO LoSe?GoD PromiSeS LiFe foreVeR---aNd a BeTTeR oNe==reaD PerfecT---No moRe PaiNNo moRe darkNeSS..NO MORE HaTreD...In FacT I guaranTee thaT soMeoNe(MaNy probabLy) readinG thiS "HaTeS'' mE becauSe I BelieVe iN JeSuS+++&&&I gueSS thaT theY aRe aLreaDy iN a SeLf-MaDe HeLL..BecausE HaTe iS such a SaD eMotioN...YeS I haVe BeeN BLessed tO bE iN thE uPPeR 10% oF thE worLds weaLth--MateriaL BlessinGs..BUT theRe aRe 9% oVeR Me thaT maKe mE seeM aS pooR aS aNy PersoN oN WeLfaRe heRe iN the USA...
I aM sOOOOOOO BLeSSeD..ANd I aM ThanKfuL foR ThaT!!!
The BiggesT BleSSinG iS HeaLth::::I don'T see 20/20 iN eitheR eYe noW (aT 60 Years oF aGe)BuT I do see withouT glaSSeS with a reasonaBLe amounT oF claRitY.....actuaLLy I aM thanKfuL foR aS mucH aS I caN sEE aNd I PraY iT doesn'T geT worSe...---I'M taKinG soMe "SnaKe oiL" to waRd oFF aNy furtheR degradaTioN--^^^"AREDS & LeutiNe" piLLs ^^^...
HeY bacK tO JesuS..
My GoaL/ LiFe purpoSe is tO LOVE Jesus CHRIST-==The SON oF GOD===+GoD HIMSELF
moRe thaN I LoVe myseLf ..I waNt to do HIS WILL..WhaT iS thaT?????
I DoN'T KnoW...
BuT I knoW whaT iT iS NOT....
IT iS noT HaTe.IT iS NoT EnVy..//CovetousNess IT iS noT LaZyNeSS--oops--goTTa work oN thiS oNe!!!hahahaha..IT iS noT LieinG====thaT iS====TeLLinG thE TrutH--oR keepinG quieT wheN thE trutH mighT hurT........BecausE GOD wiLL taKe caRe oF LeTTinG THE TRUTH BEinG KNOWN,,,,,,,,,,
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