Monday, December 5, 2011
HaPPy MONdaY 2–––––––----~~~~†††††††††====+++++++≠≠≠
TaKen a feW sTePs FartheR/furTHeR
foReVeR aNd EveR=
aMeN ∞
Sunday, December 4, 2011
Wednesday, November 23, 2011
WeD. NoV. 23, 2011
Saturday, November 12, 2011
REALITY /// inTerpersonaL ReLatioNships & LanguaGe\\\ CoMMunicatioN betweeN peopLe(s) {wiTh WorDs}
eVeN NatiVe speakers oF the same Language frOM/sinCe birTh wiLL haVe differeNces iN \ oF inteRpReTatIOns meanings oF a GiVeN thouGHt...
" the oLd saW: ==i KnoW whaT yoU thinK yoU thoughT i SaiD buT whaT yoU thoughT waS noT whaT i MeanT..." oR sOMething liKe(s) thaT=====
"WhaT yoU hearD mE saY, waS NoT whaT i thinK i MeaNT to ThinK
oR whaT yoU hearD mE thiNk i diD noT saY whaT i MeanT..
Tautology (from Greek tauto, "the same" and logos, "word/idea") is an unnecessary or unessential (and sometimes unintentional) repetition of meaning, using different and dissimilar words that effectively say the same thing (often originally from different languages). It is considered a fault of style and was defined by Fowler as "saying the same thing twice", if it is not apparently necessary or essential for the entire meaning of a phrase to be repeated. If a part of the meaning is repeated in such a way that it appears as unintentional, or clumsy, then it may be described as tautology. On the other hand, a repetition of meaning which improves the style of a piece of speech or writing is not necessarily described as tautology.
A rhetorical tautology can also be defined as a series of statements that comprise an argument, whereby the statements are constructed in such a way that the truth of the proposition is guaranteed or that the truth of the proposition cannot be disputed by defining a term in terms of another self-referentially. Consequently, the statement conveys no useful information regardless of its length or complexity making it unfalsifiable. It is a way of formulating a description such that it masquerades as an explanation when the real reason for the phenomena cannot be independently derived. A rhetorical tautology should not be confused with a tautology in propositional logic, since the inherent meanings and subsequent conclusions in rhetorical and logical tautologies are very different.
" the oLd saW: ==i KnoW whaT yoU thinK yoU thoughT i SaiD buT whaT yoU thoughT waS noT whaT i MeanT..." oR sOMething liKe(s) thaT=====
"WhaT yoU hearD mE saY, waS NoT whaT i thinK i MeaNT to ThinK
oR whaT yoU hearD mE thiNk i diD noT saY whaT i MeanT..
Tautology (from Greek tauto, "the same" and logos, "word/idea") is an unnecessary or unessential (and sometimes unintentional) repetition of meaning, using different and dissimilar words that effectively say the same thing (often originally from different languages). It is considered a fault of style and was defined by Fowler as "saying the same thing twice", if it is not apparently necessary or essential for the entire meaning of a phrase to be repeated. If a part of the meaning is repeated in such a way that it appears as unintentional, or clumsy, then it may be described as tautology. On the other hand, a repetition of meaning which improves the style of a piece of speech or writing is not necessarily described as tautology.
A rhetorical tautology can also be defined as a series of statements that comprise an argument, whereby the statements are constructed in such a way that the truth of the proposition is guaranteed or that the truth of the proposition cannot be disputed by defining a term in terms of another self-referentially. Consequently, the statement conveys no useful information regardless of its length or complexity making it unfalsifiable. It is a way of formulating a description such that it masquerades as an explanation when the real reason for the phenomena cannot be independently derived. A rhetorical tautology should not be confused with a tautology in propositional logic, since the inherent meanings and subsequent conclusions in rhetorical and logical tautologies are very different.
Thursday, November 10, 2011
Wednesday, November 9, 2011
Monday, October 17, 2011
Tuesday, October 11, 2011
Sunday, September 25, 2011
Tuesday, September 20, 2011
BusineSS {?} CarD FormaT #1
Tuesday, August 23, 2011
Sunday, August 7, 2011
sOMethiNg's wroNg
Friday, July 15, 2011
iiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiii aMmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmm Sooooooooooooooooooooooooooooo BLeSSeD † † † † † † †
Saturday, July 9, 2011
Friday, July 1, 2011
REALITy / iLLuSioN \ SaLvaTioN / HeLL--whaT iS i† ? ? ?
TheRe aRe thiNGs thaT iF i ThinK abouT =
iF i ThinK aBouT CertaiN ThiNgS,,,,
i dO wanT to noT continue oN iN thiS LiFe...
i thinK thiS iS knowN aS dePressioN...
WheN i haVe theSe thoughTs i turN theM oVeR tO GOD = JESUS_CHRIST †
aLmosT aLL externaL infLuences iN toDaY's secuLaR WorLd saYs thaT TheRe 'mighT noT eVeN bE thiS thinG caLLeD GOD'
{{{ Or / + thE ResurrecTioN oF JESUS iS MytholoGiCaL }}}
&&&&&&& buT &&&&&&&&&
aLL i ""REALLY'' knOW 'foR SuRe' iS thaT mY veRy SaniTy iS baSeD oN whaT 'The WorLD'=thoSe in PoweR oVer my boDy aNd maTeriaL (everything ouTsiDe oF mY MinD}==
My VerY MentaL HeaLth iS baSeD oN whaT thE WorLd saYs iS aN iLLusioN...........
HoW abouT ThiS: LiFe iS the iLLusioN
aNd DeaTh iS THE REALITY===oR ratheR the existenCe AFTER LiFe iS The TRUE REALiTY...
PeopLe Who belieVe ThaT The tiMe heRe oN EarTh withouT GOD / aS iN ->-JESUS † \ iS RealiTy
wiLL enteR ETERNITY unprepareD oR ratheR PrepareD foR sOMethiNG LESS thaN SeeinG THE FACE oF CHRIST........
i LoNG tO See mY SAVIOR †
iF i ThinK aBouT CertaiN ThiNgS,,,,
i dO wanT to noT continue oN iN thiS LiFe...
i thinK thiS iS knowN aS dePressioN...
WheN i haVe theSe thoughTs i turN theM oVeR tO GOD = JESUS_CHRIST †
aLmosT aLL externaL infLuences iN toDaY's secuLaR WorLd saYs thaT TheRe 'mighT noT eVeN bE thiS thinG caLLeD GOD'
{{{ Or / + thE ResurrecTioN oF JESUS iS MytholoGiCaL }}}
&&&&&&& buT &&&&&&&&&
aLL i ""REALLY'' knOW 'foR SuRe' iS thaT mY veRy SaniTy iS baSeD oN whaT 'The WorLD'=thoSe in PoweR oVer my boDy aNd maTeriaL (everything ouTsiDe oF mY MinD}==
My VerY MentaL HeaLth iS baSeD oN whaT thE WorLd saYs iS aN iLLusioN...........
HoW abouT ThiS: LiFe iS the iLLusioN
aNd DeaTh iS THE REALITY===oR ratheR the existenCe AFTER LiFe iS The TRUE REALiTY...
PeopLe Who belieVe ThaT The tiMe heRe oN EarTh withouT GOD / aS iN ->-JESUS † \ iS RealiTy
wiLL enteR ETERNITY unprepareD oR ratheR PrepareD foR sOMethiNG LESS thaN SeeinG THE FACE oF CHRIST........
i LoNG tO See mY SAVIOR †
Sunday, June 26, 2011
FighTinG, FeaR & FooSeBaLL = FreeDoM, ForecLosuRe & FooD
sOMe PeopLe
/ oR EveN
(deeP inSiDe\subconsciousLy {?}
=HaTe whaT theY FeaR~
; feaR whaT theY LoVe~
; LoVe whaT theY haTe~
VioLenCe ~
FoRGaVe hiS pRosecuToRs \ PerseCutorS
whiLe HanGinG oN The CroSS....
=+= whaT a GreaT SaLVaTioN thaT iS
...ouRs †
/ oR EveN
(deeP inSiDe\subconsciousLy {?}
=HaTe whaT theY FeaR~
; feaR whaT theY LoVe~
; LoVe whaT theY haTe~
VioLenCe ~
FoRGaVe hiS pRosecuToRs \ PerseCutorS
whiLe HanGinG oN The CroSS....
=+= whaT a GreaT SaLVaTioN thaT iS
...ouRs †
Saturday, June 25, 2011
Tuesday, May 31, 2011
FoR thE LoVe oF GOD †
iNfiniTy oF ReaLities vS. ONE ReaLiTY
Thursday, May 5, 2011
Friday, April 29, 2011
i'Ve aLways bEEn a WondeReR oF whaT goeS oN iN oTheR peopLeS miNds.
No oNe caN knoW iF oR whaT aNybodY eLse iS oR noT ThinKinG aT aLL.....
iS thaT whaT theY caLL psycho-anaLysis buT noT exacTLy thaT...
WhaT iS ticKinG..
foR instance sOMetimes i thinK thaT no oNe Lies--tells untruths==
WhaT they saY iS trutH foR theM frOM theiR fraMe oF referenCe
whaT theY NEED tO saY iN orDeR tO furtheR perpeTuaTe thE '(maybe) liE' theY aRe liVinG aS theiR ReaLiTY...(?)
EveryoNe coMes froM a differenT startiNg poinT aNd wiLL enD uP in a uniqueLy differenT pLaCe aNd whaT taKes theM theRe aRe the thoughTs aNd actioNs thaT cOMe to pLaY through the minD...
No oNe caN knoW iF oR whaT aNybodY eLse iS oR noT ThinKinG aT aLL.....
iS thaT whaT theY caLL psycho-anaLysis buT noT exacTLy thaT...
WhaT iS ticKinG..
foR instance sOMetimes i thinK thaT no oNe Lies--tells untruths==
WhaT they saY iS trutH foR theM frOM theiR fraMe oF referenCe
whaT theY NEED tO saY iN orDeR tO furtheR perpeTuaTe thE '(maybe) liE' theY aRe liVinG aS theiR ReaLiTY...(?)
EveryoNe coMes froM a differenT startiNg poinT aNd wiLL enD uP in a uniqueLy differenT pLaCe aNd whaT taKes theM theRe aRe the thoughTs aNd actioNs thaT cOMe to pLaY through the minD...
Saturday, April 23, 2011
PRaiSe † PRaiSE † PraiSe † † † † † † † † WorshiP ! WoRShiP ! WorshiP ! ! ! !
Wednesday, April 13, 2011
Monday, April 11, 2011
WanTiNG / PRaYiNg foR a MiraCLe==œ∑´®†¥¨ˆøπ“‘
i'M thinkiNg thaT a MiracLe iS reaLLy sOMethiNg thaT oNe doesn'T 'belieVe'/thiNk iS possibLe iN thE physicaL reaLiTy= yeT iN spiTe oF 'coMMon sense" oR scienTiFiC 'FacTs' == HapPeNs..
GOD doeS iT to chanGe ouR 'ReaLiTy'
TheN frOM thaT momenT oN eVerythinG starTs a neW..kiNDa LiKe Re-zeroiNg a FraMe oF referenCe..
ManY tiMes wE praY foR a MiracLe' buT iT iS noT iN GOD's WiLL tO perforM sucH...
aNd maNy tiMes HE doeS miracLes thaT wE aRe noT eVeN awaRe of....WaiT oN The LORD==
ThaT's aLL wE caN dO..
HE wiLLs tO dO whaT iS HIS PLeasuRe..
BuT oNe thinG foR certaiN: HIS WILL-< WiLL bE whaT iS iN ouR BesT iNtereST ,,,aNd wiLL furtheR ouR souL's journeY tO HeaVen/wiTh HIM foR eVer\tO bE 4\aLL ETERniTy..∞
i LoVe tO thinK aBouT iT..
Sunday, April 3, 2011
a ThoughT foR a WorshiPfuL SONDaY= =ToDaY iS thE DaY thaT THE LORD haS MaDe † ThanK YOU CHRIST_JESUS
PiCtuRe bY mE frOM LasT YeaR = + = QuoTatioN FRom GOD wriTTeN beFoRe The INcarnaTioN oF ouR SAVIOR JESUS_CHRIST †
"Glorify the LORD with me; let us exalt his name together.
I sought the LORD, and he answered me; he delivered me from all my fears.
Those who look to him are radiant; their faces are never covered with shame.
This poor man called, and the LORD heard him; he saved him out of all his troubles.
The angel of the LORD encamps around those who fear him, and he delivers them.
Taste and see that the LORD is good; blessed is the man who takes refuge in him." (Ps 34:3-8)
"Glorify the LORD with me; let us exalt his name together.
I sought the LORD, and he answered me; he delivered me from all my fears.
Those who look to him are radiant; their faces are never covered with shame.
This poor man called, and the LORD heard him; he saved him out of all his troubles.
The angel of the LORD encamps around those who fear him, and he delivers them.
Taste and see that the LORD is good; blessed is the man who takes refuge in him." (Ps 34:3-8)
Monday, March 21, 2011
yePppiT's depressioN thE heaD foLLowS thE boDy/miNd
youR p's & Q's
ThaT's whaT i waS toLd growiNg uP..
Don'T saY aNy thinG aT aLL iF yoU caN NoT saY sOMethinG gooD...
i'LL gO eVeN oNe steP fartheR/furTheR==
Don'T thinK NegaTiVe thoughTs..
i thinK thaT's thE beauTy oF liKe saYinG thE RoserY==
HaiL MaRy fuLL oF GraCe...
Hail Mary, full of grace, the Lord is with thee; blessed art thou among women, and blessed is the fruit of thy womb, Jesus. Holy Mary, Mother of God, pray for us sinners, now and at the hour of our death. Amen.
whiLe a persoN iS saYinG the words oR eVeN NamKyoHoRengeKYo
TheN NegatiVe thoughTs haVe to go ByE bYe..
Tuesday, January 4, 2011
NeW YeaR LuNcH
i really didn'T need tO saY aNythinG...
iT's aLL beeN saiD aNywaY, BefoRe,
iN oNe waY oR aNotheR
iT's aLL beeN saiD aNywaY, BefoRe,
iN oNe waY oR aNotheR
Sunday, January 2, 2011
NeWYEaR2011 = dAY 2 + CHris†massDaY's ReworkeD / pLayeD wiTh/iN\at | heRe
UpS & DowNs ~ iNs + ouTs
daRk ~ lighT
WhiTe / BLacK
oN \ oFF
iT's aLL thE saMe:
sOMetimes i wanT a frienD
buT i can'T compromiSe
i WiLL NoT eVen discuSS iT...
oN TumbleR theRe iS a serieS oF carTooNs wiTh the subjecT "FOREVER ALONE"
i thinK thaT describeS me
i haVe JESUS†††††
sO reaLLy i'M noT oR eVer wiLL bE 'aLoNe'
iN the sense of haVinG nobody...
i aM aLL oNe wiTh mY Savior===
aNd waitinG foR thE momenT wheN i wiLL bE frEE oF thiS finiTe CorpSe i inhaBiT aT /iN thiS TiMe aNd SpaCe....
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