i'M thinkiNg thaT a MiracLe iS reaLLy sOMethiNg thaT oNe doesn'T 'belieVe'/thiNk iS possibLe iN thE physicaL reaLiTy= yeT iN spiTe oF 'coMMon sense" oR scienTiFiC 'FacTs' == HapPeNs..
GOD doeS iT to chanGe ouR 'ReaLiTy'
TheN frOM thaT momenT oN eVerythinG starTs a neW..kiNDa LiKe Re-zeroiNg a FraMe oF referenCe..
ManY tiMes wE praY foR a MiracLe' buT iT iS noT iN GOD's WiLL tO perforM sucH...
aNd maNy tiMes HE doeS miracLes thaT wE aRe noT eVeN awaRe of....WaiT oN The LORD==
ThaT's aLL wE caN dO..
HE wiLLs tO dO whaT iS HIS PLeasuRe..
BuT oNe thinG foR certaiN: HIS WILL-< WiLL bE whaT iS iN ouR BesT iNtereST ,,,aNd wiLL furtheR ouR souL's journeY tO HeaVen/wiTh HIM foR eVer\tO bE 4\aLL ETERniTy..∞
i LoVe tO thinK aBouT iT..
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