No oNe caN knoW iF oR whaT aNybodY eLse iS oR noT ThinKinG aT aLL.....
iS thaT whaT theY caLL psycho-anaLysis buT noT exacTLy thaT...
WhaT iS ticKinG..
foR instance sOMetimes i thinK thaT no oNe Lies--tells untruths==
WhaT they saY iS trutH foR theM frOM theiR fraMe oF referenCe
whaT theY NEED tO saY iN orDeR tO furtheR perpeTuaTe thE '(maybe) liE' theY aRe liVinG aS theiR ReaLiTY...(?)
EveryoNe coMes froM a differenT startiNg poinT aNd wiLL enD uP in a uniqueLy differenT pLaCe aNd whaT taKes theM theRe aRe the thoughTs aNd actioNs thaT cOMe to pLaY through the minD...