Sunday, February 24, 2008

mORE foR SuN

I PraY mY AtTiTuDE:
WiLL oNlY reFlect thE PeaCe anD GooD WiLL Of thE
SaVinG NaturE oF mY LorD JEsUSchrisT!!!!
**He DieD foR MY SiN=i.e.any parT oF mY beinG-"souL"
thAt iS leSS thaN PerFecT/
LeSs thAN thE PerFecTioN whICh iS G_D.....
I LOvE yoU 2!
Æ oBdAdA´„Œ


TruST iNsTeaD oF DoubT...
IS The WiLL oF GoD????
  1. WhaT iS  GoD's WiLL?
HoW caN oNe kNoW what  The WiLL oF GoD iS.../??
TheSe mighT bE Part oF  thE wiLL oF GoD:
  • bE conTenT with the PhysicaLity  around uS--(bE ThanKfuL)
  • ShaRe ouR BleSSinGs.
aLL Blessings originate frOM GoD's GraCe..

Saturday, February 23, 2008


The WaY tO maKe 
DiscipLiNe  & RepetitioN 
RepetiTioN & DisciPLiNe
RepetitION,  RepeTiTioN,  rePeTitiOn
DisCipliNe,  discipLinE,  dIScipLine
OrigiNaLiTy,  discipLiNe,  repeTiTion
DiscipLiNe,  discipliNe,
GooD HaBiTs  musT repLace BaD==
ThoughTs oF GOD musT rePLace &/or suPerCeDe  negativiTy.
ChooSe LiFe.
ChooSe LoVe insteaD oF FeaR.
TrusT insteaD oF DouBt.
GoD iS iN ConTroL....

Wednesday, February 20, 2008

HeLL Hath No loVe=PhysicAlitY/or\SpiritUaliTy
by bin_dada on April 4, 2004
Location: NoT oN thiS PlaNet=pR0babLY
That iS thE QueStioN!
LoVe hAs NoT LiMitTsSsssss
["liKe" iS tO haRSh a woRd,,]
>i,4~1:ONlY waNt tO bE the BRiDE oF JeSuS!

Monday, February 18, 2008

Two pics for Last WeeKeNd


PresidenT's DaY  HoLidaY
GoD iS GreaaT /GoD iS GooD!
GoD iS JeSuS ChrisT.
SlepT  'TiLL 9 AM
fiXeD B-FasT foR Mommie
haD 4 mYselF 1 cup oatmeaL--1 actiVa YogurT--3 teasPooN FlaxSeeD 1/2 cuP milK
MorninG MedicatioN=

Sunday, February 17, 2008


I keep thinKinG thaT depreSSioN coMes froM siN==Being ouT oF steP with GoD..
I can'T belieVe thaT iF a PersoN iS "iN thE wiLL oF GoD" thaT thaT person wouLd bE depresseD..
ThaT iS a contradictioN..
GoD wanTs uS tO bE haPPy.
IF wE aRe noT HappY theN iT iS uS==== iT iS NoT GoD's fauLt..

The ProbleM lies iN admitting  oR eVen finding ouT whaT wE aRe wantinG thaT iS NoT iN tuNe with God'S PlaN foR ouR LiVes....

PraYeR caN aNd doeS brinG uS cLoSer to thE wiLL oF GoD  BecausE iF wE aRe iN constanT communicatioN with HIM theN wE can'T be oN thE wronG paTh. oR goinG theY saY..

Saturday, February 16, 2008

MoRe thoughTs

It'S eaSy tO thinK thaT anotheR/thE otheR PersoN iS thinkinG  aNd oR wanTinG thE saMe thinG aS I.
BuT I keeP remindinG myseLf thaT eacH PerSoN iS aN individuaL  peRsoN creaTeD bY aNd foR thE GLoRy oF GoD....
I haVe tO KeeP remindinG mYseLf NoT tO JudGe a PeRsoN bY thE waY theY LooK..
AN innoCenT looKing PersoN==SoMeoNe thaT looKs sweeT aNd KinD--MighT bE a scoundreL
AnD YeT  As LoNg aS GoD iS  tHe FocuS ..As lonG aS GoD iS iN coNTroL As loNg aS GoD iS giVeN tHe PraiSe aNd GLory --HoW caN aNy thinG gO BaD....

randOMmmmmm thoughTs

WhaT iS LoVe!!!
No beTTer= wHaT iS iNNocenCe????
Innocence iS wheN soMeoNe haS neVer beeN corrupteD bY aNotheR's   praejudicium ...
TheY --thE iNNocenT++ dO whaT theiR souL LeaDs theM tO dO
oR eVen whaT feeLs  GoD tO dO...

II CorinthiaNs 5:17

     TheRefoRe iF aNy mAn bE iN ChrisT,  hE iS a NeW CeaTuRe:   oLd thiNgs aRe PaSSeD aWaY;  BeHoLd aLL thiNgs beCoMe NeW.
     AnD aLL thiNgs aRe oF GoD,

WhO haS reCoNciLiLed uS tO HIMseLf  bY JeSuS ChrisT,  aNd haTh giVeN To uS tHe MinisTry oF recoNciLiaTioN;
    To wiT,  thaT  GoD  waS iN ChrisT,  reconciLing  thE worLd  uNto HIMseLf,  NoT iMpuTiNg theiR tReSpaSSeS uNto theM,  aNd haTh coMMiTTeD  uNto uS tHe WorD oF ReconciLiaTioN.
    FoR HE haTh maDe HIM tO bE siN foR uS,  WHO kNeW nO siN;  thaT wE mighT bE maDe tHe RighTeouSneSS oF GoD iN HIM.

II CoriNthiaNs 5:21

The WORD  foR thoSe whO haVe cOMe ouT aNd wNt tO Go BacK iN---(((to the foLd))haha))

Wednesday, February 13, 2008

YoU couLd saY i'M depresseD.
At thiS moMenT anYwaY----
so maNy thingS tO do.
Such LittLe energY oR MotivaTioN..
BeinG reTarteD iS greaT..LaYinG/LyinG iN beD untiL NooN iS sweLL
LaZy.... LaZy...... LaZyboNes..
I LoVe YoU, My LorD JesuS,
iF NoT foR YoU, GoD/SavioR,  i couLdn'T go oN..

Tuesday, February 12, 2008

DaY thrEE

MiSSeD a DaY 
oH WeLL.
I stiLL LoVe YoU,
DeaR JesuS, mY LorD aNd My GoD,
aLso Lé,
Enough saiD...4 NoW.
moRe LaTeR....

Sunday, February 10, 2008


MoMMie's  87th B-DaY!!!!