Tuesday, January 4, 2011

NeW YeaR LuNcH

i really didn'T need tO saY aNythinG...
iT's aLL beeN saiD aNywaY, BefoRe,
iN oNe waY oR aNotheR

Sunday, January 2, 2011

NeWYEaR2011 = dAY 2 + CHris†massDaY's ReworkeD / pLayeD wiTh/iN\at | heRe

UpS & DowNs ~ iNs + ouTs
daRk ~ lighT
WhiTe / BLacK
oN \ oFF
iT's aLL thE saMe:
sOMetimes i wanT a frienD
buT i can'T compromiSe
i WiLL NoT eVen discuSS iT...
oN TumbleR theRe iS a serieS oF carTooNs wiTh the subjecT "FOREVER ALONE"
i thinK thaT describeS me
i haVe JESUS†††††
sO reaLLy i'M noT oR eVer wiLL bE 'aLoNe'
iN the sense of haVinG nobody...
i aM aLL oNe wiTh mY Savior===
aNd waitinG foR thE momenT wheN i wiLL bE frEE oF thiS finiTe CorpSe i inhaBiT aT /iN thiS TiMe aNd SpaCe....