Friday, April 29, 2011


i'Ve aLways bEEn a WondeReR oF whaT goeS oN iN oTheR peopLeS miNds.
No oNe caN knoW iF oR whaT aNybodY eLse iS oR noT ThinKinG aT aLL.....
iS thaT whaT theY caLL psycho-anaLysis buT noT exacTLy thaT...
WhaT iS ticKinG..
foR instance sOMetimes i thinK thaT no oNe Lies--tells untruths==
WhaT they saY iS trutH foR theM frOM theiR fraMe oF referenCe
whaT theY NEED tO saY iN orDeR tO furtheR perpeTuaTe thE '(maybe) liE' theY aRe liVinG aS theiR ReaLiTY...(?)

EveryoNe coMes froM a differenT startiNg poinT aNd wiLL enD uP in a uniqueLy differenT pLaCe aNd whaT taKes theM theRe aRe the thoughTs aNd actioNs thaT cOMe to pLaY through the minD...

Saturday, April 23, 2011

PRaiSe † PRaiSE † PraiSe † † † † † † † † WorshiP ! WoRShiP ! WorshiP ! ! ! !

foR SaVinG mE aNd SeTTinG mE FrEE †
YOU aRe My GOD !
i PRAISE & WORSHIP YOU †††††††††††

Wednesday, April 13, 2011

Monday, April 11, 2011

WanTiNG / PRaYiNg foR a MiraCLe==œ∑´®†¥¨ˆøπ“‘

i'M thinkiNg thaT a MiracLe iS reaLLy sOMethiNg thaT oNe doesn'T 'belieVe'/thiNk iS possibLe iN thE physicaL reaLiTy= yeT iN spiTe oF 'coMMon sense" oR scienTiFiC 'FacTs' == HapPeNs..
GOD doeS iT to chanGe ouR 'ReaLiTy'
TheN frOM thaT momenT oN eVerythinG starTs a neW..kiNDa LiKe Re-zeroiNg a FraMe oF referenCe..

ManY tiMes wE praY foR a MiracLe' buT iT iS noT iN GOD's WiLL tO perforM sucH...
aNd maNy tiMes HE doeS miracLes thaT wE aRe noT eVeN awaRe of....WaiT oN The LORD==
ThaT's aLL wE caN dO..
HE wiLLs tO dO whaT iS HIS PLeasuRe..
BuT oNe thinG foR certaiN: HIS WILL-< WiLL bE whaT iS iN ouR BesT iNtereST ,,,aNd wiLL furtheR ouR souL's journeY tO HeaVen/wiTh HIM foR eVer\tO bE 4\aLL ETERniTy..∞
i LoVe tO thinK aBouT iT..

Sunday, April 3, 2011

a ThoughT foR a WorshiPfuL SONDaY= =ToDaY iS thE DaY thaT THE LORD haS MaDe † ThanK YOU CHRIST_JESUS

PiCtuRe bY mE frOM LasT YeaR = + = QuoTatioN FRom GOD wriTTeN beFoRe The INcarnaTioN oF ouR SAVIOR JESUS_CHRIST †

"Glorify the LORD with me; let us exalt his name together.
I sought the LORD, and he answered me; he delivered me from all my fears.
Those who look to him are radiant; their faces are never covered with shame.
This poor man called, and the LORD heard him; he saved him out of all his troubles.
The angel of the LORD encamps around those who fear him, and he delivers them.
Taste and see that the LORD is good; blessed is the man who takes refuge in him." (Ps 34:3-8)
