Sunday, March 16, 2008

SunDaY MoRNiNg

aN OLdie No apoLogY No reGreTs.
LiVe ToDaY froM NoW foRwaRd..
LearN froM thE PasT buT truSt GoD/JeSuS foR ToMoRRoW..
ThE WorLd iS aS GooD oR BaD aS yoU waNT iT tO Be..
SuRe BaD thiNgs happeN BuT theN GooD thinGs wiLL haPPeN Too..
LiKe LaughinG...As HaRd oR LouD aS yoU Laugh theN thaT saMe Depth oF FeeLinG wiLL bE youR soRRoW--aBouT soMethinG...
As BeautifuL aS iS tHe SunseT==MidnighT caN/wiLL bE DarK...

GoD iS heRe tO geT uS through thE DarKneSS...
WheN the SuN iS shiNiNg ouR MinD iS aT PeaCe---GoD iS thE LighT.....
At MidnighT GOD iS thE FAITH aNd HOPE thaT thE suN wiLL riSe iN thE MorNiNg........
oH yeaH aNd aT MidnighT We haVe thE SON==aS THE HOLY SPIRIT wiTh  Us--ALwaYs=+=ALL waYs=+=
a LoT oF worDs toDaY..
WeLL _ __ _____ __ __ ____ __ ____ ____ __ __ _____ __ __!
___ ______ _ ____ _____ __ ____ ____ __ ____ ___ __ __.
i aM goiNg tO keeP iT UP..... 
LorD wiLLiNg...

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