Wednesday, July 16, 2008


It iS saD wHEn a boDy doesn'T haVe thE energY (or maYbe wiLL) tO Do anYthinG/sOMethiNg...
IT maYbe/ iS \ jusT selfiSHneSS..beCaUsE theRe aRe sO ManY otheRs wiTh Less MateriaL bLeSSinGs thaN I whO mighT bE bLeSSeD bY soMEthiNg I mighT bE aBLe tO dO.....buT I geT uP aNd do 5 MiN. oF anYthinG aNd theN jusT lay back dowN....
GOD, JESUS, i loVe YOU....

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