Saturday, March 13, 2010

Every iNdividuaL haS differenT thinGs thaT hE musT aNsweR tO GOD abouT:::
ThaT's whY wE shouLd noT judGe aNyoNe buT ourSeLf...
iN otheR worDs whaT oNe perSoN "geTs aWaY wiTh "
anotheR oersoN wiLL "haVe tO PaY thE PipeR"..
PeopLe musT aLwaYs answeR tO authoritY++
aLL authoriTy cOMes frOM GOD==
"GOD iS iN ControL!!
1sT authoriTy iN ouR LiVes aRe ouR MotheR ( aNd FatheR--iF hE iS arounD)
oR eVeN a courT appoiNteD guardiaN iF iT's goNe thaT faR aLreaDy.

foR eXampLe :
oNe persoN maY gO drinking aNd dancinG eVery nighT
or oNce a weeK aNd noThinG coMes oF iT--TheY haVe nothinG eLse to dO aNd "TheY aRe noT hurtinG aNyoNe {buT themselVeS}

aNotheR PersoN caN gO ouT oNe nighT aNd geT iN a fighT aNd bE KiLLeD....
WeLL i saY GOD iS iN ControL oF boTh caSeS...

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