Tuesday, September 21, 2010

The paIN -iT says yOU aRe aLiVe

When woMaN scReaMs duRiNg ChiLdBirTh theN thE Baby wiLl knoW what it iS iN foR iN thiS woNderFuL worLd/exisTence
tO imagine what HoW GOD IS ---
I try to imagiNe aLL peopLe eQuaL iN HIS SighT...
EveN thougH theRe seeMs haT theRe aRe sO iNEquiTieS

ThE tricK= KeY to beinG happY iS to NOTwanT aNy MateriaL PhysicaL thinG
jusT bE contenT wiTh basiC Nutrition aNd sLeeP aNd heaLTh..
GOD sayS thaT HE wiLl suppLY aLL ouR nEEds....

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